Sunday, December 18, 2011

film // two seconds singapore

I filmed a lot on my trip to Singapore. When I came back I banged my head on the wall for about 10 days. I didn't know what to make of all the footage. There was no story line I could think of that wasn't sappy. No music that perfectly defined the essence of Singapore. And then I thought of this: no story line, no music, just a conglomerate of the footage. Two seconds worth of clips. Smooshed together. Introducting, "Two Seconds Singapore".

Friday, December 2, 2011

singapore - little india // november '11

Just got back from a 10 day trip to Singapore. Out of those 10 days, 5 were spent lugging my camera around. This is some of the shots I came up with. I figured I'd take this little trip to expand on my street photography, but it's rather tricky to do with prime lenses. When taking portrait I have more control moving back and forth. Not with street photography, moments end in an instant.

This is part one of the few photographs I took in Singapore. All in Little India. It's amazing how Little India is literally like a miniature India, it doesn't feel like Singapore.